My career is sharply defined between Past and Present. I had regular short fiction sales–short stories and novelettes, with one non-fiction essay–to both pro and small press markets, publications, minor writing awards, or notable notices, and made money from 1990-2012. Then more recently from 2018 to whatever today’s date is, which now includes one double-drabble, and seven drabbles (one is a reprint; drabbles are 100-word stories, and/or extremely short flash fiction).  

I didn’t publish from 2005–2017, but I earned small royalties from an e-book publisher from 2010 – 2012. 

An example of what I worked on during the leaner years:  In 2013, I began an epic fantasy series, Cliff and Crossroad.  Three novels of the five book series are completed, one is half-written, the last unwritten.  I planned to self-publish the first chapter of the first book here, but haven’t. My tolerant first reader, Bill Ray, (who publishes under Max Griffith) has gone over it and given me a thumb’s up. I’m still looking for an agent.

I’ve also written numerous new or revamped short fiction pieces, some of which I’ve sold. For Example: My short story sale in January 2020 was a 9th submission sale under a new title, but that particular market closed before publication. The story sold later the same year as a 10th submission sale, and was published.

Sales:  44 short stories, flash fiction, novelettes, double-dabble, drabble or non-fiction essay titles, published or sold/not yet published (including notable notices and contest wins).

Pro Sales:  7.

Small Press Sales: 37.

Near-Misses, accepted/sold with contract/paid/never published, or accepted/no contract or payment received/never published, stories held long-term for failed projects, or ultimately rejected after holds for legitimate projects: 12.

Published/Reprinted/E-Book Related or Short-listed/Sold to Same or Other Market: 44 short stories, flash fiction stories, novelettes, double-drabble, drabble, or non-fiction essay titles.

Minor Awards or Notable Notices: 11 short stories and novelettes.

Titles with Multiple Achievements (all genres), Listed in Alphabetical Order:  Three titles have had 3 sales/3 publications, with contest wins or notable notices. One title had two sales and a notable notice only. Two titles had 2 sales/publications, and 1 title had 2 sales with 1 publication.

“Bones, Then Teeth, Then Wings” 2 sales/2 publications.

“Fence of Palms,” 3 sales/3 publications, and 1 contest win.

“The Hometown Boy,” 3 sales/3 publications, and 1 notable notice.

“Noodle You, Noodle Me,” 3 sales (including publications, 2 notable notices.

“North,” 1 sale, 1 contest win.

“Original Child,” 2 sales (, 1 notable notice.

“Parasites, A Tale of Route 66,” 2 sales/ 1 publication.

“The Twilight People,” 2 sales/2 publications.

Total All Categories, #1 and #2 Bibliographies:  54 short story, flash fiction, novelette, non-fiction essay, double-drabble or drabble titles [not including titles in #3 unless listed in #1 and #2,] including single or multiple sales/publication, minor contest wins, notable notices or short-listed works.

The 12 near-misses (so far) aren’t officially counted in my stats. If resold later, the sales are counted. Two recent sales added to the near-misses due to withdrawal are still counted as sales in the Bibliographies and both were previously short-listed by other markets, but near-misses, if included, would bring the Total All Categories up to 52. The status of near-miss stories is very much “subject to change”. For example, one recent near-miss resold, and another was resold several years ago. Some of these titles are in circulation.

Note: Upcoming Publications are listed in the #1 and #2 Bibliographies, but are eventually added to the sale notice for each title when published; titles listed under Upcoming Publications are not counted, and are included as extra details only.

Published or Upcoming Publication Titles by Length: 26 short stories, one non-fiction essay [the shortest short story at 1500 words may be considered flash fiction, but not by me], 1 longer flash fiction story, 5 novelettes [the longest 10,000 words], 1 double-drabble [200 words], and 11 drabbles [100 words each; one is a reprint].  I’m not sure how long the essay was, but it wasn’t more than 3,500 words. The near-misses are noted in the Oddball Bibliography,

See my views on small press versus pro markets, and who is an amateur editor on the BJT’s Folksy Wisdom page. We Now Return to the Important Stuff:  The Writing!

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